How to identify refractory materials
  • Time:Jun 15, 2023
  • Views: 2

一. the method of identifying refractory materials

1. Through experimental testing: refractory materials can be exposed to high temperature environments, and their changes under different temperature and time conditions can be observed, such as thermal stability tests, thermal shock resistance tests, and erosion resistance tests.

2. Observe the appearance of the material: refractory materials usually have a certain special shape and color, such as white or gray, with a smooth surface and no obvious cracks and pores. If you find obvious cracks, breakages or pores on the surface of the material, it may indicate that there is a problem with the quality of the material.

3. View product information: refractory manufacturers will conduct detailed testing and certification of their products, and provide corresponding product instructions and technical standards, including material composition, physical properties, chemical properties, refractory temperature and other index data. By looking at these materials, you can get a preliminary understanding of the performance and scope of application of refractory materials.

4. Refer to the evaluation results: For some refractory materials that have been widely used, you can refer to the use effects and evaluation results of other companies or industries to judge the quality and performance of the material.

To sum up, identifying whether a refractory material is refractory requires comprehensive consideration of various factors and experimental verification to obtain an accurate judgment. At the same time, it should be noted that different types of refractory materials may have different application scenarios and use requirements, and the selection of suitable refractory materials also needs to be evaluated and selected according to specific needs and process conditions.


二. the identification of refractory material considerations

1. Refractory temperature: Different refractory materials have different stability at high temperature. You can know the refractory temperature range of the material by checking the product description or relevant standards. Generally speaking, the higher the refractory temperature, the wider its service life and application range.

2. Anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties: In some special industrial production environments, there may be corrosion of oxidative or acidic/alkaline substances, so refractory materials need to have anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion capabilities. The anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion performance of the material can be evaluated through experimental measurement or by checking the product information provided by the merchant.

3. Thermal shock stability: When refractory materials are exposed to high temperature conditions for a long time, there may be a sharp temperature change, resulting in thermal shock rupture of refractory materials. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the thermal shock stability of refractory materials, which can usually be evaluated by thermal shock tests.

4. Mechanical strength: Refractory materials need to have a certain mechanical strength to ensure that they are not easy to break or collapse during use. The mechanical strength index of the refractory material can be known through experimental measurement or product information.

5. Manufacturing process: The manufacturing process of refractory materials will also have a certain impact on its refractory performance, so you can understand the quality level of refractory materials by viewing information such as product descriptions and manufacturing processes.

In short, to identify whether a refractory material has good refractory performance needs to comprehensively consider many factors and conduct experimental verification to obtain an accurate judgment.

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