

Introduction: Many people ask about the special manufacturing process of refractory materials. There's also a lot you should know about the special making process. In addition, specific manufacturing processes are affected by local market conditions and policies. ZHENJIN REFRACTORIES can provide reasonable price special process refractory solutions according to actual needs. If you are interested in a special fabrication process, please consult the online service.

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Corundum refractory plastic

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These three points must be done well in the construction of circulating fluidized bed boiler lining castables


      Circulating fluidized bed boiler (referred to as CFB boiler) has become a development direction of clean combustion technology due to its advantages such as wide combustion range, cheap desulfurization, low pollutant emission, and high combustion rate.       However, in the actual operation process, the wear and tear of CFB boilers has become a prominent problem that directly affects its economy and safety. Seriously affect the normal operation of the boiler....

What are the factors that affect the service life of the ladle slide


      The ladle sliding nozzle refractory material is composed of upper and lower nozzle bricks, upper and lower plate bricks and joint mud. The upper slide brick is fixed in the fixed frame of the mechanism. The lower plate brick and the drain brick are installed in the sliding frame, and can be moved back and forth through mechanical operation, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the amount of injection by controlling the degree of overlap between the upper and lower bet...

What kind of unshaped refractories are used in the ironmaking system


      The ironmaking system includes sintering machines, coking and blast furnaces and their ancillary equipment. The proportion of lining materials from shaped products to unshaped linings has gradually increased in recent years.       The ignition furnace of the belt sintering machine is made of refractory plastic and high alumina refractory castables, and phosphoric acid refractory castables are also used to make prefabricated parts for hoisting construction. Co...


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